QA Probability Signature Paradigm
As stated in the Mission and Purpose of this web site, our intent is to ask relevant questions about cosmological issues, thereby creating a forum for debate which may, over time, add data to the existing knowledge base. The QA Paradigm is based on the mathematical nature of the universe and exists in the form of Probability Signatures ("PS"...See definition page). Here is a very short explanation of what this site and PS are all about._______________________________________
The Space-Time Continuum:
Discussions at this site deal with aspects of 4 dimensional space-time constructs not the 3 dimensional common sense "reality" world we experience each day. Arguments predicated upon subjective macroscopic experiences cannot adequately (in practical, linguistic or theoretical terms) serve to describe the abstract 4 dimensional quantum environment that serves as the subject of this site. Simply put, 3 dimensional common sense does not apply here or in the quantum environment.
By way of example, 3 dimensional space (what we perceive on a moment-to-moment basis) is skewed by time. Remembering that time is relative, the depth and width of common 3 dimensional space represents a composite image. This composite image is, conceptually and practically, "greater" than any existing object due to the effects of time. If we were to "move" around an object (an automobile for example), its width and depth (composite image) will vary based upon our relative position over the time of our observation(s). The automobile, and its perceived characteristics, will change (vary albeit imperceptively) from each point of observation (again, as we move around the automobile over a given amount of time) here in 3 dimensional space. This composite or "potential image" is greater than the object we perceive. This effect is enhanced at the universal level and this "greater" conjunction or mixing of space and time is the essence of 4 dimensional space-time and its effect on what we see and what we are able to measure and study. This 4 dimensional space-time environment is the context in which the QA Probability Signatures exist.
Quantum theory suggests that matter, as we perceive it, is not isolated grains or particles. Rather, matter and energy interact within the same topological configurative state. Matter and energy cohabit a "virtual cloud" of probability patterns that serve as the statistical substruction of all natural laws the govern the universe. Both "matter/energy" and "matter creating processes" are varied aspects of the same 4 dimensional space-time continum. Bohr referred to this two-fold relationship as "complementarity." This "complementarity" or 4 dimensional quantum reality is what we cannot directly observe from our 3 dimensional macroscopic position.
The Problem of "Now"
Any observation in 3 dimensional space is confounded by a problem of "now." The "NOW" problem is created by time-like intervals (two objects at the same place in a coordinate system but existing at a different time). For example, we exist in shared coordinate system dominated by our sun. However, if our sun exploded right "now" it would be eight minutes before it would effect us even though we share common coordinates from a universal perspective. Therefore, what happens "now" in a 4 dimensional coordinate system may not effect us immediately if it exists in a different time interval. Thus, no one can determine exactly what is happening "now" because it is unobservable from our macroscopic position.
The problem becomes more worrisome when we attempt to assess observations at the level of the universe and/or at the quantum level. Therefore in terms of scientific study, what we "see" and attempt to measure is determined by our frame of reference. An "accurate" measurement of the shadow of a three dimensional object is determined by where and when the measurement is made. The shadow created by a 3 dimensional object is projected on and perceived within a two dimensional plane at a specific moment in 3 dimensional time. Change the angle or the plane (flat, curved, bumpy, etc.) and time and the resulting measurement of the same object will be different. Same problem applies to measurements in space-time where the plane is curved due to the effects of gravity.
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