Quantum Observer Problem
What comes first, the chicken or the egg?Are not matter and energy the same? Apparently, some transaction occurs between the matter and energy state, this is clearly understood at the three dimensional level. However, what about the 4 dimensional space-time quantum level? This is where the probabilities enter the picture.
Much like matter and energy at the three dimensional level, probabilities may "transact" with other probabilities and varied energy levels. Specific wave functions, symmetries, energy levels and probabilities may be reciprocal determinants (RD's). As such, they could coexist and/or transact within the 4 dimensional space-time continuum as do matter and energy in three dimensions. These RD's are free to "transact" with other RD's to create "unique "signatures" that give rise to the representative 3 dimensional matter forms we know. This differs from the matter/energy transaction in that it goes beyond the matter-to-energy, energy-to-matter transformation; at least as it relates to the proportional configuration. Rather than being limited to a two-way transaction, the 4 dimensional space-time quantum transactional possibilities or RD's would be infinite.
What about the Quantum Observer?
Quantum theory tells us that this changeover ("collapse of the wave function") requires an observer or a "measurement" by an observer. This suggests that nothing exists without an observation! Question is..."By whom or what?" The guess here is that this measurement or observation is actually a transactional event occurring between the RD's non existent probability signature in 4 dimensional space-time and its reciprocal state in the existing 3 dimensional world. The collapse of the wave function into particle form is "transacted" between the probabilities AKA the Space-time Foam resulting in Super String formation. This formation or transaction gives rise to the particle itself knowing that the fundamental reaction occurs between probabilities and varied levels of energy.
TRD: The critical component!
The essential component of the QA argument focuses on the reciprocal relationship existing between the wave and particle state(s) or the existing/non existing paradigm as they may related to the energy/probability combination or signature. This "transactional reciprocal determination" (TRD) may be characterized by an effect that most closely resembles the EPR Paradox. The TRD would eliminate the "need" for an "observer and/or measurement." Although we do observe the change and attempt to measure the event, it may have occurred at a different time or as Feynman would say, in a different space-like interval (a given coordinate system with zero time creating an "imaginary" mathematically transformed interval).
The transactional reciprocal transaction may occur within the intervals of the probability signature. That is to say, that something is going on that we cannot see and/or measure (much like the systemic changes predicted by the ERP paradox) suggesting that the transactions occur between the components of the probability signature. This transaction then gives rise to the wave function and the resulting physical changes in the system. This construct would serve to explain gaps in knowledge associated with the wave function and double-slit experiments.
In summary, Probability Signatures:
- embody all dimensions, all dualities and all scalar fields (a specific energy/mass environment) and all probable energy combinations suggesting that the Quantum Amature PS universe has no boundary (Hey! It would appear that we may have gotten it right! See below).
- are comprosed of superspace containing all scalar fields.
- are "repulsive" in that they cancel out the effect of quantum gravity.
- are impartial...effects on matter and/or energy are the same everywhere in the universe.
- have magnitude ONLY meaning that there is no directionality. There is no time in a boundless 4 dimensional space-time continuum (as opposed a specific coordinate system) only "nowhen" within an imaginary mathematical interval.
- represent a "Quantum State" of which the probabilities are parts of a specific energy-based interaction transacted with a timeless mathematical interval.
- make up the Planck Epoch or space time foam.
- are self contained and not affected by time (Hartle-Hawking: no universal boundary…the universe is self contained).
A FLAT Universe: uncurved, infinite in both extent & duration!! So much for the "self contained" universe option. Actually, the Flat Universe data from the "BOMERanG" instrument does not directly effect PS and its related construct (superspace/scalar fields). The 4 dimensional space-time continum may exist within any of the three universe models; flat, curved or sphereical. But what does a 3 dimensional, 2 dimensional object look like (Thanks to Emory University for the Giff)?
- are testable correlations
- are components of wave function(s).
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